The project In the Loop started into the first round with Mount Jackdaw. We admit that everyone involved was very excited before, because nobody really knew if and how the first session would
work. Is it possible to create a song with a loop station in a short time, which all interpreters can send out with a good feeling? We will see.
While we wired the loop station with an acoustic guitar, bass, cymbals, a microphone for vocal effects, synth and a drum sample pad, we realized more and more what is recorded in the next hour
remains exactly the same, with all positive and negative characteristics.
After the start, all were just in their element, the tension was gone and there was one loop after the other. Even if the guideline with the one hour limitation is not meant quite seriously, the
song was already finished after less than one hour. Although perfectionistic as always we would have preferred to work on the song, the song is just as authentic as it should be and exactly
reflects the spontaneity that the initiators of In the Loop wanted.